Managing Comments Novice Novice tutorials require no prior knowledge of any specific web programming language.
Comments are the feedback that your visitors express regarding the content of your blog posts. They represent an important element of the WordPress websites.
Managing comments. The comments page
- Open the WordPress Dashboard (Ex:
- Click the Comments tab.

- In the Author column you'll find:
- the author's name
- email address
- website URL
- the commenter’s IP address
- By hovering any comment from the following options will appear:
- Approve
- Reply
- Quick Edit
- Edit
- Spam
- Trash
- In the In Response To column you can find:
- The posts title
- The View Post link that leads you to the post itself.
WordPress comments setting
- Open the WordPress Dashboard (Ex:
- Go to the Settings Menu
- Click on the Discussion sub-menu. On this page there are several settings that you could change depending on your needs: