Add a Contact Form to a Page or Blog Post Novice


In this video we have used Cloud Host as an example but the process of adding a contact form is the same for all our WordPress themes built on our Fuse Framework.

A contact form allows the readers of your website to easily reach out to you. In this article we will provide a detailed guideline on how to create and configure your contact form:

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard (Ex:
  2. Go to Contacts Forms menu
  3. Select All Contact forms submenu, then click the Add New button in order to create a new contact form
  4. Press the Add/ Edit Forms, then go to Form Settings section and enter the information in the required fields

    • Form name
    • Email To
    • Email Subject
  5. In the Form Content section you can add different types of fields to your Contact Form

  6. You should enter in the Type and Label boxes the desired structure and click the Add new field button.
  7. Change the Width of the desired field, and then press the Create form button
  8. You can also modify the default Messages Settings. In this section you can change the:

    • Form header text: appears on the top of the form.
    • Submit button text: text that is shown on the submit form button
    • Reset button text: text that is shown on the reset form button
    • Success message: appears when your message is successfully submitted
    • Failure message: appears if the form delivery failed
  9. Once you have finished, click on the Save Messages button

  10. After making all the modifications, you should copy the shortcode to add your form to a specific location
  11. Go to Pages > Contact or any blog post and press the Edit link
  12. In the next screen paste your shortcode between [raw] [/raw] tags.
  13. Click the Update button in the right top corner
  14. Click on the Preview Changes button to see the front end result
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