Styling Your Contact Form Novice

The contact form styling page can be found on the Settings Tab and it looks like this:

The styling options

  • Typography Options - lets you control the fonts and colors for: Title, Subtitle, Input Text, Instruction for Users and Success / Error Messages.
  • Form Bg Color - lets you change the background color of your form.
  • Form Padding - lets you control de form top, right, bottom and left paddings paddings.

  • Fields Border - use this option to set a border for all your form's fields (input, textarea, etc)

  • Fields Bg Color - lets you set the background color for all your form's fields (input, textarea, etc)

  • Responsive Behavior - lets you control how this shortcode behaves on mobile devices as follows:
    • Desktop - you may choose whether or not this shortcode will be displayed on tablets and devices with the resolution higher than 1200px (desktops and laptops).
    • Tablet Landscape - you may choose whether or not this shortcode will be displayed on devices with the resolution between 992px - 1199px (tablet landscape).
    • Tablet Portrait - you may choose whether or not this shortcode will be displayed on devices with the resolution between 768px - 991px (tablet portrait).
    • Smartphone - you may choose whether or not this shortcode will be displayed on devices with the resolution up to 767px (smartphones both portrait and landscape as well as some low-resolution tablets).